by Nancy E. Hassel,
There is nothing like the smell of cookies baking during the holidays – that intoxicating aroma making it’s way throughout your house, welcoming those who visit and joy the simplicity of a chocolate chip cookie brings to people, is unmatched. The feeling of home and comfort is a reason many of us like to bake during the holidays and that bit of indulgence during the holidays is just delicious and fun to share.
While I like to bake and share homemade cookies with my human family and friends, this year the first batch of holiday cookies in the oven, were not for people. Go figure!
Recently, the Town of Islip Animal Shelter and Adopt-a-Pet Center and Live Love Bark hosted their 5th annual Toy Drive for the pets in their shelter. Stockings are hung on each kennel with care, and a big crowd from the surrounding communites come in throughout the day to put toys in each stocking and meet the homeless pets hoping for homes.
It is a really well done event and helps get people into the shelter to see the pets waiting for homes there, brings much needed supplies to the animal shelter and helps get dogs and cats adopted as well.
While I did bring toys for both cats and dogs, there is something about making something with your own hands with love that you know even the pickiest dog will love. I have been baking these biscuits for years and years, the classic and most love is of course the Peamutt Butter & Honey treats.
With 90% organic ingredients, these cookies are fun treats you can give to shelter pups knowing they will love them.
The cookie cutters are classic by Wilton – many similar cookie cutters can be found at Michael’s craft store but I bought these years ago on Ebay because this variety were discontinued. Although I have seen similar cookies cutter like this in Michael’s over the past few years.
A great way to get your kids involved, fun to do any time of year and who knows you may just end up volunteering at that shelter beyond bringing the dogs cookies.
The shelter collected a garage full of toys and pet supplies, that will hopefully last them throughout the year. Even when it is not the holiday’s, calling and finding out what your local shelter is in need of and putting together a toy drive at your work, business or kids school – will always be welcomed.
Buck is available for adoption at the Town of Islip Animal Shelter. A beautiful, sweet, goofy boy – was very well behaved while we were taking pictures of him. He is a big boy – but even my neice who just saw him in his kennel, said, “I am surprised he is still waiting for a home.” His personality shined right through.
To see a lot more pictures of the event, click here – you can see how many people attended the dogs loving the attention and maybe get inspired to do something locally where you live. Happy Holidays and happy baking!
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